Auditorium Technology
The Auditoriums are large capacity rooms designed to accommodate a class with over 200 students. They have a computer on the podium cabinet with dual Touch Screen monitors. They have one or more large project screens and multiple display screens available to project video from the podium computer or your laptop.
The podium computer has two touch screen monitors that can display on some or all of the screens and display in the room. Through the Touch-Control Panel, the user can select to display the content of either monitor on one or all of the display screens available. Touch and drag the source video to the preferred screen, and it will be displayed.
The podium has a large touch screen control panel to operate all of the Audio Visual equipment in the room.
A fixed podium mic and a clip-on lapel mic are available in the classroom to provide voice amplification so that the lecturer/presenter can easily be heard throughout the lecture hall. These microphones are also used when recording your course session.
Auditoriums have InstructorCams that will allow web conferencing or Course Capture.

To project content from the Computer to the screen, follow these steps.
- Turn on the Computer
- Log in with your NetID
- Touch the Touch Control Panel to wake it up
4. Wait for the AV system to warm up
5. Select your display sources from here by touching the appropriate button.
Choices are Podium Computer Left or Right Display Monitors’ contents, Connected Laptop, Airmedia content from a wireless device, or Document camera content.
6. Select what displays should show this content
7. Select the Finished Button
In-person individual training is available upon request. Please email [email protected] with your availability as well as what classroom you are teaching in so that we can try to schedule your training in your specific room or a comparable one.
If you are experiencing issues in the RU-N classrooms, please reach out to 973-353-1713 or email [email protected] with your contact info, building and room info, and a description of the issue.