Webex - Sharing Scheduling and Hosting
You can allow another person to schedule and host your personal meetings through Preferences.
Note: Schedulers and Hosts must have their own Webex account. The email address must be entered exactly as listed in scheduler or host's preferences (under Set Up and then My Profile).
- Login at https://rutgers.webex.com using your Rutgers NetID and password.
- From the Webex Meetings tab, click on Setup followed by Preferences, and then Scheduling Options.

- Enter the email addresses of the Webex users who will be allowed to schedule meetings on your behalf and click Save. Multiple email addresses may be entered, separated by commas.

You may also want to allow specific Webex users to host your Personal Meetings.
- Click on My Personal Room.

- Check the Alternate Host option.
- By default, you will need to enter the email addresses of the Webex users who will be allowed to host your meeting. Multiple email addresses may be entered, separated by commas.
- Click Save.