Academic Technology ServicesBlackboardUniversal Design for LearningCaptioningAdd captions to a YouTube video by uploading a file/transcipt

Add captions to a YouTube video by uploading a file/transcipt

Navigate to YouTube (

2. If you are not already signed in, sign into your YouTube account.

If you are not already signed in, sign into your YouTube account.

3. Click on My Channel on the YouTube sidebar.

Click on My Channel on the YouTube sidebar.

4. Click Video Manager at the top of the page.

Click Video Manager at the top of the page.

5. Next to the video you would like to add subtitles and captions to, click the down arrow the right of the Edit button.

Next to the video you would like to add subtitles and captions to, click the down arrow the right of the Edit button.

6. Select "Subtitles and CC."

Select "Subtitles and CC."

7. In the "Set video language" box, click the drop down box for Select language, and click the language for the subtitles you would like to create. You may also enter the language in the search bar if you cannot find it in the drop down list.

In the "Set video language" box, click the drop down box for Select language, and click the language for the subtitles you would like to create. You may also enter the language in the search bar if you cannot find it in the drop down list.

8. Click Set language.

Click Set language.

9. Click "Upload a file" to upload a file or transcript for your YouTube video.

Click "Upload a file" to upload a file or transcript for your YouTube video.

10. Click on the button next to your file type, and then click Choose File to upload your file.

Click on the button next to your file type, and then click Choose File to upload your file.

11. Click Upload.

Click Upload.

12. Click Set timings so YouTube can match your transcript to the audio in the video.

Click Set timings so YouTube can match your transcript to the audio in the video.

13. Once the timings have been set, click Publish.

Once the timings have been set, click Publish.