How to Record with Kaltura Capture

Get Prepared

  1. Set your recording Preferences. Click here to learn more about your settings
  2. Open your PowerPoint or another application you wish to record


Click Record

A Countdown will begin.

If you are using PowerPoint it is best to enter into Slide Show. This will chapter your slides as well as index the text and make it searchable.

Minimize the Recorder

While recording anything on the screen will be captured, including the recorder. It is best that you minimize it.

Video that you play on screen will not record well. i.e. YouTube video

Advance through your presentation as you normally would.

Exit your Presentation

Hit the escape key to exit full screen mode (if you are using PowerPoint)

If you minimized the the recorder it will be in your Tray (PC) or dock (Mac) click it to access the recording tools. The tray and dock are the list of icons at the bottom of the desktop. Kaltura capture's icon can be seen below.

Stop your Recording

Name and Tag your Recording

Upload your Recording