Send an email to members of your organization

1. In the course menu, click on Tools.

In the course menu, click on Tools.

2. Click on Send Email.

Click on Send Email.

3. Click on All Users. Your email will be sent to all participants and leaders of the organization.

Click on All Users. Your email will be sent to all participants and leaders of the organization.

4. Enter Email Information.

4.1. Enter a subject for the email.

4.2. Type your message in the Message Field.

4.3. Click on Attach a File to send a document to your students. If it is course material, it's recommended that you post the document in Blackboard.

Click on Attach a File to send a document to your students. If it is course material, it's recommended that you post the document in Blackboard.

5. Click Submit at the top or bottom right of the page.

Click Submit at the top or bottom right of the page.