CL - Change my email

If you use the Community Login option to access Blackboard, your email address is the same as youremail address in the ANCOR registration.  Email addresses in Blackboard are updated from ANCOR each business day so if you make a change today, it will not be reflected in Blackboard until the next business day.

First navigate to My Account at: and login with your ANCOR User Name and current Password.  This is NOT the same as your Blackboard Community Login Username (see note below).

First navigate to My Account at: and login with your ANCOR User Name and current Password.  This is NOT the same as your Blackboard Community Login Username (see note below).

If you self-registered for your class, you created an ANCOR User Name during registration.  A Forgot Username link is available if you do not remember it.    If your program registered you for your class, your ANCOR User Name is generally your Blackboard Community Login Username without the "ce" in the beginning.  For example, if your Blackboard Username is ceru12345678, your ANCOR User Name is ru12345678.  Your program director can verify this information for you if needed.

Click on My Account from the menu at the left and then Edit Profile/Password.

Click on My Account from the menu at the left and then Edit Profile/Password.

Scroll down to the bottom and enter a new email address and click Submit.

Scroll down to the bottom and enter a new email address and click Submit.

Blackboard is updated each business day so there will be a delay before your email address is updated Blackboard.